Sunday, October 6, 2013

Todays chat

Coupons!!!!  I know I know some of you are like get real Melissa.. but tell you what.. with the government in shut down(for who knows how long) will you be able to get things for your family if you loose more than half your income???  Jen and I have taught a lot of people how to coupon and I still am in awe of what I see people drop big $$ at the grocery stores... I know it can be a bit time consuming depending on the sale.. but saving almost 70% is worth it!!! Hell if I save 50%% I am happy.. that is less money that I have to give to a conglomerate and more in my family's pocket..

 Take the current sale at shaws..GM cereal(lucky charms, cheerios, etc) are on sale for 1.88 each... I had coupons for both I paid less than .30 a box.. normal price on those bad boys was 2.99 I will take that any day of the week.  I even stocked up on Hamburger helper..Why not when normal price is over 2$$ and I got it for .38 I may not eat it but once in a while as a quick busy night meal, but for that price its worth it! I was able to score 4 boxes of cheerios, 4 boxes of lucky charms, 12 boxes of hamburger helper, 3 pound butter( on sale 3/5$$) 12 grands jr biscuits, bananas and strawberries all for under 30$$  I saved over 67% ...  Now will I eat all those biscuits.. before they expire.. YES.. they do not expire until January and with the cold weather coming.. a lot of stews and soups are on the menu.. cut them into thirds, roll them in sugar and cinnamon and butter, quick easy monkey bread... 

The biggest thing I hear is "there are never any coupons for anything I use".. OK Seriously. I have seen coupons for everything from butt paste to hemorrhoid cream, from toothpaste to toe nail fungus and everything in between.  There are things I never pay money for.. that list is different for most, but my big ones are shampoo, toothpaste, deodorant, razors some food products and heck some times if I am paying attention toilet paper..  do you use any of that stuff???  I don't know about you, but I brush my teeth at least 1 time per day...deodorize every day, shower every other...I know you are saying, Yeah but I use xyz brand.. Ok I hear ya.. but there are coupons for those!! I am only loyal brand to 2 items.. I must have Miracle Whip and I must have Diet Pepsi... everything else doesn't matter...  to me coupons have allowed me to break my brand loyalty.. Hell to be honest here, my only loyal brand before coupons was the store brand..

Sales always cycle around.. if you watch any of the ads for local drugstore/pharmacies you will see they all basically have the same deals.. each offer a "reward" with purchase, sale price that "Can not be beat" and other gimmicks to get you in the door. 

Stick with me and I will show you how to get it cheap or free!!! :)

Coupon on!!  Melissa


  1. Do these same people NOT brush their teeth? Wash their bodies? wipe their own .... well you get the point! Second biggest complaint.... I don't have time? In 2011 I used $8000 in coupons for my then 4 person family, that's like a part time job!

  2. I miss your wonderful coupon wielding (and sharing!!!!) ways, Melissa! I remember getting clothes for JuJu for FREE!!! Keep doing what you are doing!!! And keep sharing it with the FB news feed! I'll follow you. =) I just chose Anonymous because I don't have any of those other log on things. Take care!
